Grandes ofertas em Krasnodar, International Airport, Russia por fornecedor Eleks Polus
Explore Krasnodar em um carro alugado
Ao procurar o melhor negócio para a sua viagem, não negligencie prestadores de serviços testados e confiáveis. Em relação ao aluguel de carros, escolha Eleks Polus em Krasnodar. Você pode comparar preços e encontrar respostas para todas as suas perguntas em Russia é um lugar sem estresse. Planeje bem sua viagem e alugue um veículo através de Eleks Polus em Krasnodar.I can not say that the service is ideal, but at least price tags are sane. You understand what you pay for
Once again I come to the conclusion that taking a car at the airport is the best solution. At least if you go to the cities of Russia. I used the services of the distributor for the first time, there are no complaints. I did not even think that there would be such a good choice of cars. Abroad - it's understandable, but in Russia I doubted that this service is popular.
It's strange that I did not notice the offer from the distributor before. Very advantageous for the price and rental conditions are not bad. The choice of cars is small, but if you are traveling for 3-4 days, something worthwhile can be found. The first time the car was in the C grade, this time I liked it very much. It is better not to choose, but ask the consultant that they can advise and state their requirements. So the chances of getting a normal car are much higher.
Not always there is a car that you plan to take