Grandes ofertas em Palermo - Sicily, Italy por fornecedor Sicily by Car
Explore Palermo - Sicily em um carro alugado
Quer ver sob uma nova luz? Planeje bem sua viagem e veja tudo alugando um carro com a Sicily by Car. Dirija-se ao campo para experimentar a verdadeira hospitalidade. Ao alugar um veículo com Sicily by Car você pode chegar a lugares que outros turistas não conseguem.Payment was accepted quickly, there was no reason to worry about anything
Derek Ferguson, 11 Janeiro 2020
If possible, rent a car on this site from Rhodium
Leonid Kamanov , 30 Marchar 2019
The distributor has some of the lowest rental rates, decided to take the car and assess the level of service. We chose OPEL for the holidays. It's good that we did not have many things, because more than 2 suitcases there could hardly fit. If we talk about the machine itself, everything worked fine, the navigator never failed. The staff is very responsive and competent in all matters regarding rentals. We were very pleased with my wife.
Ivan Viktorovich, 22 Junho 2017