Grandes ofertas em Milan, Linate Airport, Italy por fornecedor Locauto
Explore Milan em um carro alugado
Se o conforto está no topo da sua lista quando viaja, Locauto em Milan oferece veículos de aluguer de luxo. Compare preços de várias locadoras em Italy é um lugar pitoresco e cheio de surpresas. Evite ficar parado em um lugar alugando um veículo da Locauto em Milan.The service seemed complicated until the moment I contacted the consultant and I received answers to all the exciting questions. The girl was friendly enough, answered quickly. There was a feeling that she knew what she was talking about, so you can safely trust and there will be no catch. Some sites do not offer consultant services, so it’s more difficult to navigate there
Amy Rios, 12 dezembro 2019
The car was issued with a comfortable child seat and in general in good condition. For the $ 200 I paid, the option more than suited me
Stella Yoder, 22 abril 2019
I wanted to see Berlin, but on the last trip I remember that it was very difficult to make it on foot. The city is huge, the city is different. Many places you want to visit, and time is limited. This time, my wife and I rented a car with the issuance at the airport. I can say that this is the only negative, it would be better to issue the issue at the hotel, because they lost time because of the queue. If we talk about the car, then everyone is happy.
Vadim Androsov, 27 Outubro 2018