Grandes ofertas em Bari, Downtown, Italy
Explore Bari em um carro alugado
Italy é um país onde é melhor reservar o carro alugado antes de chegar. Ao fazer uma reserva, indique o ponto de recolha do aluguer de viaturas. O mais popular é Downtown. Nós da estamos prontos para responder a quaisquer perguntas que você tenha e garantir que seu veículo esteja pronto quando você chegar em Downtown.Outros locais nesta cidade:
I am very pleased with my choice and the way they work with clients here.
Veronika Verkholantseva, 25 Fevereiro 2020
For more than two weeks I had been waiting for the deposit to be returned and when my patience was already gone, I began to write to the support service. They answered that there could be no delays on their part and recommended that they contact the bank. It turned out that through it the issue of return is resolved quickly and after three days the money was on my card.
Marina Filippova, 07 Fevereiro 2020