Grandes ofertas em Kavala, Airport, Greece
Explore Kavala em um carro alugado
Seja qual for o seu plano, Greece terá surpresas. É melhor para os turistas alugar um carro em uma das muitas locadoras. O melhor local para fazê-lo é considerado Airport. Você pode encontrar respostas para todas as suas perguntas em Podemos ajudá-lo a selecionar o seu carro e a encontrar o melhor negócio com as ofertas especiais que oferecemos para levantar o seu veículo de aluguer em Airport.Outros locais nesta cidade:
I paid for 2 child seats. The youngest had to be left with his grandmother, so the chair was not useful. I thought it would be possible to somehow return the money, but it wasn’t there
Viktor Markin , 03 dezembro 2019
They asked for both a standard driver’s license and an international one .. this is the first time. For a long time I had to find out what the dealer needed in the end, but they agreed that mine was in order. I was worried about how it would end up at the extradition airport, but there were no problems. I rented a car for the first time and because of this a lot of fuss, questions. Now I know what's what, I plan to use the site more often
Adam Grabovskiy , 27 novembro 2019