Grandes ofertas em Athens, Greece por fornecedor Lotus
Explore Athens em um carro alugado
Uma viagem a pode ser inesquecível se você fizer uma lista de lugares que gostaria de visitar e alugar um carro com Lotus. Miradouros, esplanadas românticas em restaurantes deliciosos, edifícios antigos à luz das velas: veja tudo ao deslocar-se no seu veículo de aluguer Lotus.After he returned the car, he wrote a personal review in his profile. On public display did not. They said they would take it into account. About six months passed and I again needed a car on a business trip and I decided to order here from old memory. I was very surprised that my remark was taken to attention.
Winston A., 23 dezembro 2019
Still, better to rent a car in advance .... my advice from experience
Kyle Huffman, 01 dezembro 2018
Everything was fine until you gave the car. Saw species .. let's say so. Ride on it, of course, it was possible, not critical, but we hoped for something better. Still, we pay a lot of money
Ruth Haley, 09 novembro 2018