Grandes ofertas em Tallinn, Airport, Estonia
Explore Tallinn em um carro alugado
Você prefere conforto? Então Estonia tem uma riqueza de hotéis com todos os tipos de serviços. Você pode até escolher um local com aluguel de carro ou retirar seu carro alugado na chegada em Airport. Para ter certeza de que seu carro alugado estará pronto para sua chegada em Airport, faça sua reserva via locais nesta cidade:
Railway Station
Bus Station
Helicopter Terminal
World Trade Centre
On this site I take cars constantly, but this is the first time that I get a rental. Not bad, but a little expensive. And it is not clear what is justified for such an inflated cost. Okay I understand the cars are new ... but the condition of the car is average ..
I like working with Europcar. There are never delays. All my wishes are taken into account when booking. The machines are excellent!
The first time I took the car from the distributor. It was interesting how good the service was. Prices for medium cars - it is pleased. With specialists, it is not always possible to get in touch quickly, but if they answer, they help to the last. I liked the approach to working with clients. By the way, even the most budgetary versions of cars are equipped to the full, so that the tourist was comfortable. Next time, I will turn again to this company. I was very pleased with the value for money
It's good that when you book you offer full insurance