Grandes ofertas em Yerevan, International Airport, Armenia por fornecedor Autorent
Explore Yerevan em um carro alugado
Teve problemas para alugar um carro de luxo? Então Autorent em Yerevan pode ajudá-lo a encontrar algo especial. Compare preços de diferentes locadoras para o mesmo carro em Maravilhoso em qualquer clima, você certamente aproveitará seu tempo em Armenia. Para não depender do clima e da temperatura, alugue um veículo na Autorent em Yerevan.Last time everything went smoothly, this time there were continuous problems with the car. I do not want to change the distributor, I hope it was an accident.
Leksi Eddington, 11 Julho 2018
We had a late flight and when we got to the dispenser, it was dark. After inspecting the car, I noticed that it was not in very good condition. The smells inside were generally strange. His wife was unwell and did not want to aggravate her condition. I had to demand a clean car. The employees were worried, we got another car, but the unpleasant residue remained. Thoroughly check when you receive the machine.
Viktor, 07 novembro 2017