Grandes ofertas em Tirana, Albania
Explore Tirana em um carro alugado
Viajar em Tirana em um carro alugado significa economizar tempo e dinheiro. Existem vários locais de levantamento de carros de aluguer na cidade: Hotel Delivery, Airport, Downtown and others. Alugar um carro ajudará você a ver Tirana em toda a sua glória e, ao reservar com antecedência, você economizará alguns centavos.Lista de<br>locais nesta cidade:
locadoras nesta cidade:
We got fetched from the airport and received our car a Tirana Business Park. That is also where you hand back the car. You will be driven back to the airport (5min away). Everything work very very well. We can only recommend renting a car at this company.
Christine Baier, 22 Setembro 2021
There was an emergency situation, could not contact the company representatives, it was a day off. It would be necessary to establish somehow this issue. And in general the car was in good condition, there were no traces from previous customers. It is noticeable that they try to please every client.
Lyubov Mlnaenkova, 26 Janeiro 2018
Air conditioning did not work in the car, but we found it on the second day. When the car was handed over it was necessary to work hard to prove that our guilt was not there.
Darya, 10 Junho 2017