Grandes ofertas em Tirana, Airport, Albania
Explore Tirana em um carro alugado
Seja qual for o seu plano, Albania terá surpresas. É melhor para os turistas alugar um carro em uma das muitas locadoras. O melhor local para fazê-lo é considerado Airport. Você pode encontrar respostas para todas as suas perguntas em Podemos ajudá-lo a selecionar o seu carro e a encontrar o melhor negócio com as ofertas especiais que oferecemos para levantar o seu veículo de aluguer em Airport.Outros locais nesta cidade:
The site is very clearly spelled out the terms of the lease. It is important
I'm happy
I used to take a car last summer and it was a nightmare. Constantly something was spinning, there was no window at the back. Impressions were not the most pleasant. I did not want to rent a car, but circumstances obliged me. Has risked to address in Fears were many, but the guys withstood my pressure, made the reservation in the end. The car got in excellent condition, just does not go to any comparison with what I had to travel a year ago. For myself, I made a rule - to check the car when issuing as carefully as possible.
The car was taken to the airport, it is clear that after washing, by the way, it was pleased that the mileage is small.